Friday, February 22, 2008

Another Week in the life...

What a week this has been, I don't really know how to follow that up but I've just been thinking about the choices we have to make as opposed to the choices we want to make and how they define us. Because, the thing that sucks with choice is that usually you only get to make one. After almost 20 years I find myself asking the same questions I did when I was in Hs. I can only wonder if things will be the same when I'm 30. In an attempt to become more adult I keep finding myself in juvenile positions. And I can't help but wonder am I making the right choice. But good or bad it's just a matter of perspective. I've been working harder than usual trying to play catch up in school. Bought some expensive books for 3 dollars. Lost my only set of keys. and here I am reflecting on a non productive week. For some reason it's one of those things that you can't help but I didn't do much skeching although I got a new one. On a lighter note my Hallmate...? I dunno he lives across the hall decided to sketch me and damn...Its hot...real hot, so on that note I'm going to find something to occupy my time...maybe this reading thing.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Saturday Night of the Living Dead

Since the start of the semester...Lets just say time hasn't been on my side but I was listening to HelloGoodBye alot during the break and their album called Zombies! Aliens!Vampires!Dinosaurs! and I thought that would be a great idea something to draw but I never got around to it but now its aboot 4am on a Saturday night and I didn't really do much beside sit around and play Legend of Zelda for the Ds my hall mate was so kind but anywho I digress I drew it, I'm quite pleased I did it all in one sitting and yeah my scanner decided to work with me today so I scanned it and here is the first draft for your viewing pleasure with that said I'm gonna go do what young people do now a days.

Monday, February 4, 2008


Since the semester started I've had little time for myself let alone a comic or a blog but as cliche as this sounds I won't let my dream die regardless of my obligations so I i'm spending the night playing catchup and so far it goes well. My only concern are the twilight hours, I'd hate to to fall asleep minutes before class, or during a lecture but, Its a sacrifice worth making. Unfortunately I don't have any sketches for today but I'm working on it.. In the mean while... you can check out this guy's artwork he looks like he knows what hes doing...( ) Hes got a good webcomic and launched a personal site so for the one person who actually reads this. Go show him some love. This weekend on the other hand was amazing...From a house a emotional superbowl win to dickin around at el museo to playing rockband until the wee hours of the morning. Good times with good friends. It would be nice to see some friends from home but we can't have it all can we... Guess I'm gonna do some reading.. and yes Once a week update at the minimum . But whats a blog without pretty pictures 9 times out of 10 ya look at the pictures first.