Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Meet the Artist

I wanted to write a little bit about me so here goes. my name is Kwadwo and I'm a full time college student but my passion for comics is what keeps me going. As the months go by I'm gonna keep at it with the sketches and stuff and get this comic project : Dormant going. Currently I'm working on the project with Ronald Alexander and Justin Blackman so expect some great things.

This blog is an experiment and not the actual comic even though there will be bits and pieces before the final thing. I will be the artist for most of the comic but as we expand and grow anything is possible . since there are three contributors we're gonna try to update bi-weekly and see where it goes from there. Stuff about me I'm and avid gamer and something you didn't know Kwadwo is Ghanian for born on Monday . I'm new to this blogging thing but I'm willing to take a shot . As we grow we might have more columns for gaming news and reviews but I'm getting ahead of myself but for the time being stay tuned and we'll see what happens if you have any questions my contact info is in my profile.

A brief history behind the name slight annoyance. whenever life throws you a curve ball or screws with you thats pretty much a slight annoyance for example having your computer shut down on you constantly when trying to finish a blog or having a scanner lose the file last minute. or my personal favorite having someone talk through a movie then ask you for the plot hence ruining the movie experience. Slight annoyances piss me the hell off so the only natural thing is to make about then and plug my comic :) until later- Kwadwo.

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